Sunday, December 26, 2004

Christmas Christian?

Christmas is over for another year, and I am so glad that it is gone. I’m not complaining; I’m just glad that it is over.

I want to focus my mind on Christ, but I cannot do it at Christmas. Christmas has nothing to do with Christ, but is a time of increased commercial trading, a holiday to feast and give gifts, and to watch sports. It’s O.K. to have a winter holiday where gifts are given, friends and family gather and enjoy each others presence, and sports are played, but we must no longer pretend that it’s about Christ Jesus; because it’s not.

It’s about commerce, feasting, and sports.

Many people know this, but they still fight to try to make Christmas be about Christ. They work in a church service on Christmas eve, say a prayer at the Christmas dinner, and maybe watch a Christmas special that tells the story of the birth of our savior, but for most of the holidays the sports, commerce, and celebration take center stage.

I’m ready to abandon Christmas as anything to do with Christianity. I want to be a part of Christ but not a part of Christmas. I want to think about the birth of my savior, but not have to force it in during halftime. I want to give thanks to God and study his word, but not by driving to a building to hear a sermon at 11:00 at night when it’s 5 below zero.

I hope in the coming year I can experience the presence of God and fellowship with people who truly desire to walk in fellowship with Him.


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