august's house

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Bundle of Joy

The 7th of May and my vines have arrived from Miller Nurseries. 10 Marechal Foch, 10 Leon Millot, 2 Corot Noir, and 2 Frontenac Gris. (Aren't they just the cutest things?) I haven't untangled the bundle to actually count the vines but I will wait until tomorrow when I hope I'm ready to plant them to make certain my order is complete.

The timing was perfect!

I have 6 days off work starting tomorrow and I think the weather will be good, although it is spring time and rain is always near.

I weighed my new babies also... just for fun. 5 lbs. and 45 and 1/2 inches tall, what could I name them?

What would make good names for grape vines? And could I think of 24 names?

Purple Hays, Tangle Foot, Rays Inn, Bunch-kins... that's four already!

I think I will name my babies... only 20 more names to think of...

Moby Grape, Vinny, General Cluster.. and then two sets of twins... (the Corot Noir) Nora & Nelda, (Frontenac Gris) Griswold & Gretel... and I might as well have a Hansel!


I'll think about the other half tomorrow and I shall have the only vineyard where all my vines have names. I think that will fun and help me get to know my vines better. Bond with them.

Latter, in the middle of the night, I awakened. For many weeks I had tried to think of a name for my vineyard. The only thing I had thought of was something to do with my little horse Cocklebur, but I wasn't really happy with that but now I had a flash of inspiration. Bundle of Joy! I had thought of it when I took the vines out of the long shipping package, it was like a birth, the birth of my vineyard. So this morning I posed for the photo holding the grapevines like a new baby, a bundle of joy.